5 Tips For the Ultimate Glow Up

Feeling like your life just isn’t what you thought it was supposed to be? It could be your finances, skin/body, grades, career, relationships or even your spirit. We all go through tough times that set the foundation for an even better comeback. Here are some of the top five tips we have for the ultimate glow up so you can get back to showing the world how you slay!

1. Physical: Declutter/clean up your physical area. A clear physical space leads to a clear mind. Of course, we can’t forget the essentials: take care of your body by exercising, drinking plenty of water and eating as healthy as you can.

Cleanse, exfoliate & moisturize your skin. Figure out the best hair routine based on your texture. Plus, get some sunlight! It’s actually been proven to increase happiness.

2. Mental/Spiritual
: Take some time to clear your mind. You go through a lot! Meditate and speak your affirmations/goals into existence. Read your holy texts if you’re religious. Remind yourself how far you’ve already come & keep going. Be kinder to yourself!


3. Academic/Intellectual: Read books because your self-education is just as important as a formal one. Some recommendations are How Successful People Think by John C. Maxwell, How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, and Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

For our students: check out Cal Newport, Thomas Frank & Ruby Asabor for student success!

4. Relationships: 
Just block him or her or anyone that’s trying to bring you down. Or, take it a step further and don’t block them. Let them watch your glow up from the sidelines (but still unfollow them).

Besides that, please remember to keep those who love you close (especially in times like this).

5. Finances
: Step your money game up! That includes savings, investments, credit, and streams of income. Ruby Asabor (Lavish Ruby on YouTube) has a Money Monday’s series on her channel. We love her and we know you will too!

Just like Beyoncé said, “Always stay gracious, best revenge is your paper.”



    Glowing up is not an overnight process. Take gradual steps daily & you’ll be amazed at your staggering progress! Practice these tips and you’ll be showing the world how you slay with your ultimate glow-up in no time!



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